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NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. -- Johnson Johnson will have to pay $8 billion in punitive damages after a man claims the company didn t warn young men that the drug Risperdal could grow breasts, a jury said Tuesday, according to Reuters.Nicholas Murray, 26, previously won $680,000 in the case over the antipsychotic drug Risperdal in the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas.Murray says he developed breasts after he began taking Risperdal in 2003 when a psychologist diagnosed him with autism spectrum disorder, according to Reuters.Murray s lawyers, Tom Kline and Jason Itkin said in a statement <a href=https://www.stanley-cups.ca>stanley canada</a> the jury told Johnson Johnson that its actions were deliberate and malicious. The conduct that the jury saw in the courtroom, was clear and convincing that JJ disregarded the safety of the most vulnerable of children. This is an important moment, not only for this litigation, but for JJ, which is a company that has lost its way. In a statement to CNN, Johnson Johnson called the award grossly disproportionate with the initial compensatory awar <a href=https://www.stanley-cup.co.nz>stanley mug</a> d in this case, and the Company is confident it will be overturned. The company added, the jury did not hear evidence as to how the label for RISPERDAL庐 clearly and appropriately outlined the risks associated with the medicine, or the benefits RISPERDAL庐 provides to patients with serious mental illness. The case is the fir <a href=https://www.cup-stanley.at>stanley thermoskannen</a> st of thousands in Pennsylvania where a jury could award punitive damages, Reuters reported.Previously, a Pennsy
posted on 22 nov. 2024 16:22:20
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President Donald Trump is proposing a $4.8 trillion election-year budget plan that recycles previously rejected cuts to domestic programs to promise a balanced budget in 15 years, long after Mr. Trump leaves office.While the proposal would boost the military and leave Social Security and Medicare benefits untouched, it proposes cuts to Medicaid, food stamps and other programs.Mr. Trump s fiscal 2021 plan, released Monday, promises the government s deficit will crest abo <a href=https://www.cup-stanley.es>stanley cup</a> ve $1 trillion only for the current budget year before steadily decreasing to more manageable levels. It also proposes cuts to several programs, including a 26% reduction for the Environmental Protection Agency. The budget had little chance, even before Mr. Trump s impeachment scorched Washington, of passi <a href=https://www.stanleycup.lt>stanley cup</a> ng as-is. Its cuts to food stamps, farm subsidies, Medicaid and student loans couldn t pass when Republicans controlled Congress, much less now with liberal House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat from California, setting the agenda.Pelosi said Sunday night that once again the president is showing just how little he values the good healt <a href=https://www.stanley-cups.uk>stanley cup</a> h, financial security and well-being of hard-working American families. Year after year, President Trump s budgets have sought to inflict devastating cuts to critical lifelines that millions of Americans rely on, she said in a statement. Americans quality, affordable health care will never be safe with President Trump. The budg Wspn House Democrats ask full D.C. Circuit to rehear McGahn case
CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Authorities say an air traffic controller at a North Carolina airport has been arrested on charges of possessing a weapon of mass destruction.Paul George Dandan, 30, is charged with possession of a weapon of mass destruction, acquiring a weapon of mass destruction and transporting a weapon of mass destruction, CBS affil <a href=https://www.inkwiz.se>ugg</a> iate WBTV reports. Police say Dandan, an air traffic controller at Charlotte-Douglas, had a homemade pipe bomb he got from another man, Derrick Fells.Charlotte-Mecklenburg police said Fells admitted to them that he made the bomb to use it against a neighbor with whom he had an ongoing dispute. Fells then changed his mind and gave the bomb Dandan, police said. Paul George Dandan, 30, is charged with possession of a weapon of mass destruct <a href=https://www.airmaxplus.it>airmax</a> ion, acquiring a weapon of mass destruction and transporting a weapon of mass destruction. Mecklenburg County Jail via WBTV Fells was charged with three counts of manufacturing a weapon of mass destruction and one count of possession of <a href=https://www.mizunos.de>mizuno</a> a weapon of mass destruction. According to WBTV, the Federal Aviation Administration said that Dandan only had access to the offsite Air Traffic Control Tower and had no access to the restricted areas of the terminal or ramp. He did not have access to any aircraft at the airport. The FAA also confirmed to WBTV that they had termin
posted on 22 nov. 2024 16:20:31
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CBS News President Obama does not believe his administration has violated the privacy of any American in light of leaked documents detailing sweeping government surveillance programs, White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough said Sunday on Face the Nation, and he plans to make clear that sentiment in the days ahead. Claims from Edward Snowden - the former National Security Agency computer technician who <a href=https://www.cup-stanley.ca>stanley canada</a> leaked top-secret documents detailing the surveillance reach - that he, sitting at his desk, had the authorities to wiretap anyone, from you or your accountant, to a federal judge, to even the president if I had a personal email are incorrect and will be adjudicated over time, McDonough said. McDonough would not say, however, that the government is entirely in the right in its collection of phone records and mining of data from the servers of nine major Internet companies: If there s problems, we re gonna get to the bottom of them, he said. We do have to find the right balance, especially in this new situation when we find ourselves, with all of us reliant on Internet, on email, on texting. So we find ourselves communicating in different ways - but that means the bad guys are doing that as well.Hong Kong: Edward Snowden s welcoming refugeOfficials: NSA programs br <a href=https://www.stanley-mugs.us>stanley mugs</a> oke terror plots in 20 nationsSenators ski <a href=https://www.cup-stanley.es>stanley spain</a> p briefing on NSA surveillance programsKeeping in mind that the programs were designed to track movement and communication of suspected terrorists, McDonough wen Nzzl Romney keeps up strong rhetoric on Russia
President Obama acknowledged Friday morning that the U.S. economy is not recovering as quickly as he had hoped, but he promised that would change on his watch. America s employment gains are not happening quickly enough to make up for the jobs lost during the worst recession that any of us have ever seen, Mr. Obama said. While this marks the 17th month in a row of job growth in the private sector, nearly 2.5 million new private sector jobs in all, we have to create more jobs that that each month to make up for the more than 8 million jobs that the recession claimed, he said. We are going to get through this, the president <a href=https://www.cup-stanley.uk>stanley mugs</a> vowed, adding: Things will get better. The monthly jobs report out Friday showed a slight drop in the unemployment rate to 9.1 percent, with 117,000 jobs added to the economy. The private sector added 150,000 jobs while governments cut 37,000 jobs last month. President Barack Obama leaves the Washington Navy Yard in Washington on Friday, Aug. 5, 2011, after speaking about the economy. AP Mr. Obama urged Congress - when it gets back from its month-long August re <a href=https://www.cups-stanley.us>stanley cup</a> cess - to move quickly on measures he said would stimulate the economy, includi <a href=https://www.stanley-cup.cz>stanley termosky</a> ng extending the payroll tax credit and putting construction workers back to work rebuilding America. He said there was no contradiction between trying to grow
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